Consulting Areas


We first take the time, before discussing solutions or products, to understand your organization’s mis­sion and business, and its underlying processes and environment. Based on this understand­ing, we find the technology architec­ture, platform, solu­tions and products to fit your budget and realize your goals. We firmly believe that optimal solu­tions are only found with input from this perspective.


One of the most interesting and common experiences I have when working with small businesses is the complete leap from need to determined product/ solution. Once a ‘tech’ said to ‘get this XX,’ the decision-making had stopped. For those that know better, this is where all the action is. Looking at the myriad of variables with both a business and technical foci is vital. Implementation has its own set of issues, but finding the right solution is the real art and science of the job. The wrong solutions, once introduced into the organization, bring many preventable problems to the surface later.


Technical project management is crucial and requires both a solid understanding of the details of the pro­ject (usually technical) and project manage­ment capability—an elusive combination. Managing a vendor relationship on imple­mentation issues, or guiding your own team if brought in-house, is one area that has an easy ROI justification. Unbiased jargon-free communication between management and technical resources keeps surprises and overruns to a minimum.


Like finance, IT is becoming more and more regulated. There are laws across jurisdictions that apply to how your information is handled and the penalties can be serious. One Congress member reading about data theft from an executive’s misplaced laptop can set into motion a confusing bill that requires the organization to respond. Being aware of compliance issues, proactively planning, and being prepared to respond appropriately, can be a big cost-saver if a triggering event takes place.


The mission of ITbriefcase is to apply MBA-style principles to IT and fill the missing gap traditionally found in small to medium-sized businesses.

By providing guidance, structure & leadership for your internal IT functions, generalist managers are freed from the complexities of this specialization and the organization leverages the skills of a senior-level, focused peer to further its goals.



Located at Creekside @ Highline

1181 S. Parker Road, Suite 100A
Denver, CO 80231
Phone - 720-221-4475

inquiries (at)


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I appreciated the way in which he communicated the critical factors of a good network and translated this to me in a language I could understand and make quality decisions upon.
Susan LauDirector, Finance & Operations 2004-2007Asian Law Caucus